
WAGGADASAH design abo challenge
From a simple agency approach, the brand should change significantly based on market demand and a modern business model. The focus should be more towards a digital-first design approach and inspire people and companies with a 100% flexible product range. This requires a modern SaaS-inspired web design. Technologically, the whole thing should be lean, based on a subscription model from the start and grow organically through the bootstrapping approach - through customers and not investors.

WAGGADASH design abo approach
Since the new Waggadasah business model is inspired by SaaS, the design can also be playful and with a clear focus on subscription. Dark design and deliberately placed light elements are intended to symbolize clarity.
Many micro-interactions are added gradually - lean approach - and expand the website piece by piece. A/B testing plays an essential part in the lean approach for waggadash. Through clear analysis software we recognize which designs and ideas are fruitful.Many micro-interactions are added gradually - lean approach - and expand the website piece by piece. A/B testing plays an essential part in the lean approach for waggadash. Through clear analysis software we recognize which designs and ideas are fruitful.