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Digitalize a flower store

Digitalization doesn’t stop at anyone. Many studies from major consulting firms show one thing: Disruption has always existed and always will. This is how a long-standing flower shop reacts to change: with a lot of innovation and passion.



Digital flower store web developmentDigital flower store web development

Digitalization challenge

The challenges here lie particularly in the digital representation of flowers and bouquets by external and merchandise management as well as synchronization with a type of CRM system including a payment system. One thing applies here: API, API and API.


Digitalization approach

A decentralized approach can ensure an independent CMS system for employees and stakeholders as well as an independent backend-front-end system for UI display and process flows. With nextjs you can use a modern, high-performance and scalable technology for display and API access. For the user-friendly backend, I rely on a strong, well-known player, shopify.
